
Showing posts from October, 2018

Perspectiva - Un Peregrinar a través del Libro de Joel (Parte 4) Joel 3

Perspectives - A Journey through the Book of Joel (Parte 4) Joel 4

antidote to racism #podcast #wednesday

Dios no tiene sentido #podcast #miércoles

no tenemos que obedecer a Dios #martes #podcast

you need a family member to become a member of the family #tuesday

no es lo mismo "la ira de Dios" que "irá a Dios" #lunes #podcast

The Unresolved Tension of Life

Perspectives - A Journey through the Book of Joel - Part 3 (Jeremiah 31:31-34)

Perspectivas - Un Peregrinar a través del Libro de Joel - Parte 3 (Jeremías 31:31-34)

Weekend High School Basketball Tournament - Josue Muñiz

Perspectivas - Un Peregrinar a través del Libro de Joel - Parte 2 (Joel 2:29-32)

Perspectives - A Journey through the Book of Joel - Part 2 (Joel 2:29-32)

31 days to tip-off!! High School Basketball Season - Josue Muniz