
Showing posts from September, 2018

Perspectivas - Un Peregrinar a través del Libro de Joel (Parte 1) Joel 2:12-17

Perspectives - A Journey through the Book of Joel Part 1 - Joel 2:12-17

Perspectives - A Journey through the Book of Joel Part 1 - Joel 2

Preacher & Preachers There Preacher and Sermon Introductions

Preaching Calendar for 2019

The Call to Preach by Dustin Neely & Ray Ortlund

Introduction to Biblical Exposition (Part 1) Dr. Tony Merida

The Nature of God and The Nature of Man (Romans 6) by Raul Balandrano

Prophecy - Deuteronomy 13

Similitud a Cristo (1 Pedro 4) por Julio Martinez

World Mandate: The Journey of the Church Part 14 (Acts 20:32-35)

Mandato Global: El Peregrinar de la Iglesia Parte 14 (Hechos 20:32-35)