Face Book

I recently joined the "community" of facebook. Once again, experiences like facebook only confirms what has been true for years. Community takes different shapes and forms in the lives of people today. Unfortunately, it is the bride of Christ that apparently wants to hold on to a "one-size-fits-all mentality when it comes to the approach of community. I am the first one to confess that genuine connection with people today is spelled: WORK. It takes some serious work to satisfy the need for genuine relationships.

There is no better exemplification of the heart of God than community. It is through the Trinity that He models it. Every single human being hungers the things that only God put on him, and community is definitely one of them. Facebook teaches us a new way of community, still created and propelled by God, yet many forsake this crucial element of XXI century community.

It has been quite an experience seeing so many pictures of "old" friends. What a journey we lived through our young/single days at VBA and ETBU. It was cool. Thus the real reason, if I can be honest for a moment, that those memories still remain within me is because they were based on genuine community (connections.) It was at the moment when we mutually satisfied a God given/created desire (genuine connections) that our souls were sealed for eternity through every connection.

Next time you get to see your friends @ facebook, myspace, youtube, etc; remember...it was God's authentic designed, the Internet is only building on it.



Jesus Carrillo said…
Bueno esta muy bien, felicidades. Solo que aca en Mexico muchos de los actuales grandes secuestros y homicidios se han facilitado gracias al uso de FaceBook, Fotolog, etc....hay que tener en cuenta tambien eso. Y creo que la verdadera y fregona "comunidad" es la Iglesia, ninguna otra como ella. Facebook y los demas debieran girar alrededor de ella y no al reves. La Esposa de Cristo, la Comunidad de Fe.


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