Sunday-February 28, 2010
Still digesting the way God constantly surprises me every single Sunday. What an awesome corporate experience The Journey faced yesterday...
1. After 22 years of vocational ministry in several churches, generations and cultures. The Journey is the greatest of places to live in community among the hungriest of generations for meaningful relationships today!
2. It has been so good for me and The Journey to take last 3 Sundays off from preaching/teaching. Ironically, attendance has been building up since week 1 in our series "Church is for Lovers." Maybe I should just give up the stage on Sundays! :-)
3. I'm hungry to preach/teach among my family-The Journey. Sunday, we'll continue digging into 1 Peter in our series "Living Beyond." Looking forward to speak about the challenge to take everything is happening in our world today as traction instead of friction in our relationship with God and His mission...stay tune!
4. What an amazing blessing Professional Counselor - Alejandra Mora was (people are talking - texting about her today) yesterday during both services. Having a lady speak yesterday was great. I'm so thankful for our English service and their patience as we (for the 1st time) translated preaching time from Spanish - English!!! Welcome to the Valley :-)
5. As a leader, your inner circle will make you or break you. The Journey Band seriously rocks the house every single Sunday. God's anointing Spirit just flows out of so much talent and giftednnes surrender to the Giver. People never have enough of the presence of God during our corporate worship. I love my Journey Band!!!
6. Visitors, visitors, visitors...God has blessed us with new faces every single Sunday. This is a constant reminder that He is management and I'm in sales. This is His church and I'm privileged to be a part of it. Thank you Jesus!!
7. Spending lunch and entire afternoon with Keila and Elias Perez at our house yesterday - was refreshing and encouraging to see what God is about to do in their lives and ours. Great friends and exciting future coming our way!!
8. Josue is improving in his reading skills as a 2nd grader. What a privileged it is to be his dad. I love reading with my son.
9. This is going to be one of those weeks....I can feel it. I must buckle up and just ride His wave!!!
1. After 22 years of vocational ministry in several churches, generations and cultures. The Journey is the greatest of places to live in community among the hungriest of generations for meaningful relationships today!
2. It has been so good for me and The Journey to take last 3 Sundays off from preaching/teaching. Ironically, attendance has been building up since week 1 in our series "Church is for Lovers." Maybe I should just give up the stage on Sundays! :-)
3. I'm hungry to preach/teach among my family-The Journey. Sunday, we'll continue digging into 1 Peter in our series "Living Beyond." Looking forward to speak about the challenge to take everything is happening in our world today as traction instead of friction in our relationship with God and His mission...stay tune!
4. What an amazing blessing Professional Counselor - Alejandra Mora was (people are talking - texting about her today) yesterday during both services. Having a lady speak yesterday was great. I'm so thankful for our English service and their patience as we (for the 1st time) translated preaching time from Spanish - English!!! Welcome to the Valley :-)
5. As a leader, your inner circle will make you or break you. The Journey Band seriously rocks the house every single Sunday. God's anointing Spirit just flows out of so much talent and giftednnes surrender to the Giver. People never have enough of the presence of God during our corporate worship. I love my Journey Band!!!
6. Visitors, visitors, visitors...God has blessed us with new faces every single Sunday. This is a constant reminder that He is management and I'm in sales. This is His church and I'm privileged to be a part of it. Thank you Jesus!!
7. Spending lunch and entire afternoon with Keila and Elias Perez at our house yesterday - was refreshing and encouraging to see what God is about to do in their lives and ours. Great friends and exciting future coming our way!!
8. Josue is improving in his reading skills as a 2nd grader. What a privileged it is to be his dad. I love reading with my son.
9. This is going to be one of those weeks....I can feel it. I must buckle up and just ride His wave!!!