Preaching for a Change
This is my personal and edited description/experience on the application of the 5 questions given by Andy Stanley in his Book: Preaching for a Change; after a couple of years of sermon preparation and presentation base on a "Relational Outline" instead of an "Informational Outline" (people do not talk with Roman Numerals in their minds on a daily basis)
1. What do they need to know?
* Audience must be engaged before speaker takes off covering his material.
* Your job is to help them want to listen to you. They are already at Church, might as well, make it enjoyable for them.
* Do not assume that just because is the Bible, every one automatically cares on whatever topic is presented
* What is the ONE idea - principle - thought you want them to take home with them after you are done speaking?
2. Why do they need to know it?
* Ask if the audience has ever being in the situation you just engaged them with?
* Help them to see the relevancy of whatever message you are about to convey to them, otherwise, they will begin their new week thinking: "God, the church and you have no clue what's going on in their lives."
3. What do they need to do?
* Now, and only Now...present the message God has given you without an apology and with the boldness that comes from humility and submission to the Holy Spirit.
* Present what The Scriptures have to say, command, instruct and correct on the theme at hand.
* Make sure to tell the audience what the Bible says, not what you think about what the Bible says.
* Make sure neither the author nor the original recipients are shocked or surprised on what you are saying this weekend about their writings.
4. Why do they need to do it?
* Help them to dream about life under the direction and submission of The Word of God.
* Help them to see the big picture and how life would be if we all live under the instruction and transformation of the Bible
* Take them to the promise land with you.
5. How can I make it memorable?
* Make sure they have something they can go back during the week and remember the ONE single point - idea - thought you gave them
* This is as important as question #1
* Help them to tangibly respond to the invitation of whatever you want them to do
* Audience must say: "as soon as I get home, after listening today, I will ___________."