Sunday Night Thoughts...

A few random thoughts before going to be tonight...

1. I had a chance to speak today, during one of our services, with a marine who just returned from the Middle-East. What a privileged it was to thank him for his service to our country and pray over him and his friends as he goes back to his military base soon.

2. God is truly working through our church. It was an amazing day surrounded by amazing people who are constantly seeking our Amazing God.

3. Met three people who accepted Jesus between our 2nd and 3rd services. Always excited to see the Gospel changing lives in deep South Texas.

4. Had a chance to converse tonight with 10 church leaders on the book of Isaiah, the judgment of God as the expression of His Grace and the books of Hosea and Amos. Good times, great interaction!

5. I'm really excited to substitute for one of our Wayland professors tomorrow night at our RLGN 1302 New Testament History class in Harlingen. I'm always eager to share Paul, his writings and the message of Gospel.

6. I enjoyed so much preaching all morning long today. The new conversation series in the Book of Acts is getting better and better as we move along. It was really convicting to read and dissect with our folks the words of Luke describing the experience of Pentecost.

7. Our worship teams really did a good job today. We are blessed with very gifted musicians who love to worship with our church. As a 41 year old pastor, it is really exciting to see that the older worship team member is on his late 20's. I love to build the future.

8. I am spending Thursday morning visiting multiple Senior Adult church members. I know it's going to be lots of fun hanging out with them and particularly, getting to know them. So much to learn from them, very privilege to be a part of their journey.

9. New year, new chapter in life, new ministries, same call to the same God.



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